What is MICA coding?
MICA stands for Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment. It’s a coding tool to help identify if someone is using the skill set Motivational Interviewing to fidelity or not.
There are a variety of coding tools within the Motivational Interviewing world, (including the well known MITI) but the MICA really stands out because of it’s focus less on acronyms, and more on Intentions. The MICA was created to measure intentions within the practitioner to help identify whether they are using Motivational Interviewing.
Coding tools like the MICA allow participants a way to intentionally grow their Motivational Interviewing skills through intentional audio submissions, feedback and personal coaching.
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Competency and Proficiency:
The MICA helps identify competency and proficiency within the Motivational Interviewing skillset.
Learn more about using the MICA
Whether you are an individual wanting to improve, an agency wanting to create MI sustainability with MICA coaches or an individual already using the MICA tool, but wanting to use our website to create coding reports, we can help!
Want to view an Example MICA coding Report?
Below is an example of a coding report, click through it to view the different coding and coaching opportunities.