Hi, this Casey Jackson, I’m the executive director of the Institute for individual and organizational change. Here to talk to you a little bit about our advanced motivational interviewing class. So we’re going to do in the advanced class, and we’re going to follow research that shows that there’s a big gap in our knowledge base and motivationally and our skillset.
So we’re going to do is take all that knowledge that we’ve acquired and all the courses we’ve taken on motivational interviewing and all the books we read and how do I start to evolve? You able to develop that into a better, more effective, efficient skillset. It’s going to do a lot of practice, way less lecture, way more practice.
Thinking about how we keep ourselves in equipoise. Not as having much more writing reflex. How can I start to respond strategically? These are the things we’re going to dial into. So I hope you take the time to sign up and I see you in our Advanced Motivational Interviewing class